Episode 5

Published on:

10th Sep 2023

6 Things to Do Prior To Starting Your School Day

In this episode I share 6 things to do prior to the start of your day:  

  1.  Put on the armor of God - Ephesians 6:10-18
  2. Meditate on God’s word- Joshua 1:8
  3. Pray for yourself, students, families and coworkers -1 Thessalonians 5:17 
  4. Have time set aside for praise & worship - Psalm 100:4/Psalm 8:1-3
  5. Anoint yourself  and areas in your classroom- Mark 6:12-13
  6. Ask God for the natural and spiritual steps that you need to take daily pertaining to your classroom.- James 1:5/Psalm 32:8  

Keep in mind we help to set the tone of our classrooms so we have to make sure we fill our spiritual tank up daily so we can then pour into our students daily. 

Action Step: I encourage you to find a few scripture promises to stand and pray throughout your school year. Once you do that I encourage you to pray those scriptures weekly.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV - Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Looking forward to connecting with you!!!


I am here to serve you and cheer you on and I want to try my best to provide you with resources that are beneficial for you as you journey throughout your teaching journey. 


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About the Podcast

The Transformational Teacher Podcast
Does having a relationship with God really help me to flourish in every area of life.

Will it make a difference if I Invite Him into my classroom?

Will it help me experience peace and joy despite challenging situations that arise?

Do I have time to connect with God before the school day starts?

Teachers, if you are asking these questions and feel like teaching is not just a job but it is a ministry then this is the place for you.

On this podcast I will talk about faith, mindset, and self-care. I believe God desires for us to flourish in our relationship with him it plays a vital role in transforming our lives, which will help us transform our classroom His way, When we teach with Jesus and see things from His viewpoint those anxieties and classroom challenges that try to trip us up will no longer do that because God will give strength, the peace, the wisdom that is needed for us to rise up and teach with joy and peace

I’m D’Toya, a Pre-K Teacher and a certified life coach that went from experiencing chaos to having peace in life and the classroom with the help of cultivating my relationship with God and having a strong community by my side to help on this journey.

Be sure to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes as we allow God to transform our lives and classroom HIS way.

With Love, D’Toya - The Transformational Teacher

Visit my website at:Teachingwithjesus.com

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DToya Dove