Standing in the Gap: Prayers, Reflection, and Growth This Christmas Season
- Pray for your students during the break, as it can significantly help them.
- Take time for self-reflection and pray for personal growth during the holiday season.
- God can provide insight into specific areas to pray for about your students.
- Participate in the upcoming event 'Ready, Set, Revive' to prepare for the new semester.
- Remember that Jesus is the ultimate reason for the Christmas season and our lives.
- Accepting Jesus as your Savior can transform your life and help navigate challenges.
Links referenced in this episode:
Hey Transformational Teacher.
Detoya:And welcome to the Transformational Teacher Podcast.
Detoya:I am your host, detoya and thank you again for listening to this podcast.
Detoya:On this podcast I will talk about faith, mindset and self care.
Detoya:So let's go ahead and move forward with our topic for today.
Detoya:Today I'm going to be talking to you about a few things that me and God has been talking about over the last few days.
Detoya:One thing that he said to me when was to make sure that I'm praying for my students as I'm on this Christmas break.
Detoya:And I want to encourage you to pray for your students as you're on this break.
Detoya:Because we may not always know what they're going through, but our prayers can be the very thing that helps them overcome that situation, that helps that need they have to be met.
Detoya:And the reason I say that this can take place is because when we're in prayer, God can give us insight.
Detoya:He can show us what we need to pray.
Detoya:So I encourage you to spend time with him in prayer, praying for your students.
Detoya:The next thing I want to encourage you to do is to pray for yourself.
Detoya:Over this break.
Detoya:As I was riding in the car, God downloaded this prayer to me to be praying for myself and I want to share it with you.
Detoya:Well, Heavenly Father, I thank you right now.
Detoya:I thank you Lord for who you are.
Detoya:I ask you God for healing in the areas I need it most.
Detoya:Reveal to me the areas I need to grow and prepare me for what's to come in the next part of this school year.
Detoya: pare me for what's to come in: Detoya:But I am your willing vessel.
Detoya:Use me as you will.
Detoya:I want to be the best version of myself so that you can work through me to impact the lives of those in my care and in my life.
Detoya:I want to be your willing vessel.
Detoya:I say yes to you, Father.
Detoya:Whatever it is that you want me to do, I say yes.
Detoya:Help me in this process, Father, because I cannot do it on my own.
Detoya:So I ask that you will guide and direct my footsteps every step of the way.
Detoya:In Jesus name, Amen.
Detoya:So again, I want to encourage you.
Detoya:Pray for your students, pray for yourself.
Detoya:Pray for your school as a whole.
Detoya:Prayer is vital.
Detoya:And as you're praying, if he gives you those action steps, take heed and act on those action steps.
Detoya:Now the next thing that I want to share with you all is something I share with my email list that I think it will bless you as one day I was sitting in prayer with God and I was working on some things for the transformational teacher.
Detoya:And I have an event that's coming up on January 2nd.
Detoya:I would love for you to join me.
Detoya:It's called Ready, Set, Revive.
Detoya:And he also gave to us the scripture cards titled Ready, Set, Revive Scripture cards.
Detoya: our hearts and to prepare for: Detoya:The Scripture foundation is Isaiah 40, verse 31.
Detoya:And it says, but those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for and hope in him, will gain new strength and renew their power.
Detoya:They will lift up their wings and rise up close to God like eagles rising toward the sun.
Detoya:They will run and not become weary.
Detoya:They will walk and not grow tired.
Detoya:So I would love to gift these scripture cards to you.
Detoya:All you have to do is head to to download these prayer cards again.
Detoya:These pray hearts.
Detoya:It is to help you revive.
Detoya:It is to help you be anchored in God's word.
Detoya:So I would love for you to make sure you grab those.
Detoya:And also, one thing that I want to remind you all of is Christmas.
Detoya:When you hear the word Christmas, what do you think of?
Detoya:One thing that has been coming to me a lot, and I've been hearing a lot, of course, because we're in this season.
Detoya:But to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Detoya:Yes, Christmas is great to get the gifts because I love gifts.
Detoya:I love the gifts that I have received this holiday season.
Detoya:But one gift that is so vital and so special is the gift of salvation.
Detoya:If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to say yes to him.
Detoya:I promise you for myself, life with Jesus has been so much better.
Detoya:Yes, I've still experienced challenges inside the classroom in my life in general, but I have him to help me navigate through these problems.
Detoya:And so I want to encourage you to say yes to him.
Detoya:So I would love for you to pray this prayer of salvation with me.
Detoya:It's the same prayer that I prayed years ago.
Detoya:So I'm going to go ahead and say it.
Detoya:If you say yes to Jesus today, if you haven't already, if you need to rededicate your heart to Jesus and you do it today, please reach out to me because I would love to celebrate with you.
Detoya:Well, let's go ahead.
Detoya:Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.
Detoya:You said in your word that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Detoya:Father, I'm calling on Jesus right Now I believe he died on the cross for my sins, that he was raised from the dead on the third day and he's alive right now.
Detoya:Lord Jesus, I'm asking you now, come into my heart.
Detoya:Live your life in me and through me.
Detoya:I repent of my sins and surrender myself totally and completely to you.
Detoya:Heavenly Father, by faith, I now confess Jesus Christ as my new Lord.
Detoya:And from this day forward, I dedicate my life to serving him.
Detoya:So if you prayed that prayer, please reach out to me.
Detoya:I would love to celebrate with you.
Detoya:And remember, the greatest gift is the gift of salvation.
Detoya:Jesus came to save me.
Detoya:To save you.
Detoya:He came to give us eternal life.
Detoya:So again, I encourage you to say yes to him and I encourage you to partner with him as you go on this teaching journey.
Detoya:I promise you, teaching with Jesus is the best way to go.
Detoya:Living for Jesus is the best way to go.
Detoya:So, as always, continue to pray.
Detoya:Listen, transform so you can make that kingdom impact God has called you to make inside the classroom.
Detoya:Well, I look forward to speaking with you all later.